Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How does a linguist to go into a coma from deciphering a Native American language?

That's what I'd like to know, Lex Luthor.

I'm working on my paper again, and instead of driving me crazy, it's driving me comatose. I'm really terrible with essays, I'm really not that great of a writer and words often escape me, as do paragraph transitions and a general appealing flow.

I want cookies.

I'm hoping that blogging will maybe make me better with words; practice makes perfect, right? But for now I know that writing in here will not help my essay, it is too distracting. Much more fun though.

My blog is simple
But sometimes it won't make sense
I heart Chuck Norris

So my paper...yeah. It's going not so smoothly. It's much harder to write about the Nakota language than I thought. I mean, a year ago I wrote a shorter form of this very essay that will be my honours paper, but it was much less intense and involved. I guess that's the point though right? I don't know. I feel like, let's see, I feel like I should know more than I know, you know? I got my linguistics degree but where did my knowledge go? It's all very strange. And for someone who majored in linguistics you'd think I'd be better with words. I also majored in psychology so you'd think I'd be better able to answer these questions I have, but I can't, I feel unable to. Again, it's a strange place for me to be.

Oh well, time for me to try and rise above :) this post is starting to sound emo so it's best I let these thoughts trail off here. As Paul Antrobus would probably say, it's how you look at the world that matters.

I think he'd also say that it's time for me to have a cookie.

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