Sunday, March 14, 2010

Won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new?

I want to write about how awesome last weekend was. To pre-preface this, if you could combine the good feelings you get when you walk into a used bookstore, remember the way candy tasted when you were young, walk through the park in the summer, and experience the best hug you've ever had, it would come pretty close to how awesome last weekend was. To preface this, nothing of huge significance happened last weekend, it was more of one of those magical occasions that can only really happen with certain people on certain days, and I was lucky enough to have that already this year.


On Thursday I asked the bf if he wanted to go see The Princess and the Frog sometime on the weekend, and with a facepalm and a sigh he begrudgingly said yes :) So Saturday afternoon we braved the massive crowd of children at the Rainbow Theatre and I was thrilled to see a new animated Disney film.

After the show we walked to Old Fashioned foods, which is very close to the theatre. After buying a few items (including a bag of rice, which has its own story in and unto itself, later) we continued walking in the direction of downtown. It was a slushy day outside, so the cuffs on my pants were pretty wet at this point.

We decided to walk to Darke Hall, and along the way we stopped to explore the legislative building, which happens to have some lovely window sills and hidden benches to climb and sit on.

When we got to Darke Hall we climbed the stairs as high as they would go to a very large empty room, where we sang and danced, and it seems silly now but at the time is was completely wonderful. It was very retro, all of the windows (and there were a lot of windows) stretched to the ceiling and all of the lights (of which there were also a lot) hung down low. The room was also way overheated, so by the time we left it my pants cuffs had dried a wee bit. Other parts of the building we covered: lots of old stairs, lots of old windows, lots of old corridors, and the creepy basement (which I'm told was even creepier about a year ago). Overall I think this was my favourite building in my day, it felt like a secret and forbidden place and I hope to go back.

For supper we went to the Copper Kettle. The restaurant was absolutely packed so they led us up some spiral stairs to what I would describe as their storage room for broken and forgotten things. There we shared food and wine and company.

Like I said, it wasn't a weekend where anything spectacular happened, but I think I'll always remember it as one of my favourites.

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